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写真 2015年2月27日

I dislike this time every year. This is because we must make a final income tax return.I always start a filing and work during 2-3 days.I did work of the medical expenses subtraction yesterday.I and my wife went to the hospital more than 50 times in last year. Approximately 70,000 yen returns when I calculate. I pay it to a total of 820,000 yen hospital. A Japanese likes a hospital.The photograph is a leaf of the nandin(Nandina domestica) of the roadside of this morning.


写真 2015年2月26日

I have secret pleasure for the commuting of rainy day.It is to walk while hearing the music that was popular in high school days. The introduction of the music plays a violin. It matches very much in the rain.Memory of the youth returns when I walk while listening to this music.


写真 2015年2月25

Today is Wednesday. I clean around company in the rule of our company on Wednesday. Several large trucks irrelevant to us park around a company site. An ill-mannered driver sometimes appears. Two lunches after having eaten were thrown away. I carried it to our incinerator.The photograph is a flower going to work this morning.


写真 2015年2月24日

I took the photograph in the middle of the yesterday's return. It is a usual zelkova. I took it a little apart more than usual.


写真 2015年2月23日

今週もよい日々になりますように。今日は暖かくなりそうです。 It seems to become warm today.


写真 写真 写真 写真 写真 写真 2015年2月20日

2年前、田舎の実家を和歌山県福祉事業団に売却しました。家をそのまま利用してくださるという条件だっかからです。多額の予算をつけて祖父が建てた当時の家を再現してくれました。家向かいの野村さんがメールで母親に写真を送って下さいました。 驚くことに野村さんは95才です。父と同級生でした。ご自分で18枚も写真を撮りファイル添付でおくってくれました。受け取る母親も88才で、私にメールを転送してきました。ご高齢の方々もご立派です。 I sold the parents' house of the country to the welfare group two years ago. It was a condition to just use a house. According to the rumor, According to the rumor, the welfare group remodeled it for 100 million yen. The person who sent this report and photograph is a neighbor of the house. But it is 95 years old. It is an owner of the splendid ability. It is 88-year-old mother to have received.



私達の会社がある堺市の通称木材団地では街路樹はよく整 備されています(されすぎという批判もありますが)。メ タセコイア、ナンキンハゼなどの高木とサザンカ、ツツジ などの低木があり、四季折々にそれなりに楽しめます。写 真は今朝の会社前のサザンカです。
Roadside trees are maintained well in popular name wood housing complexes of Sakai-city,OSAKA-prf. with my company. There are a metasequoia, a Chinese tallow tree, a sasanqua, an azalea. We can enjoy it seasonally. The photograph is a sasanqua in front of the company this morning. The sasanqua does its best till the last, too.


写真 2015年2月18日



写真 2015年2月17日

It drizzled this morning.My state is funny.I have a transparent umbrella with the left hand and carry Rick on my back and pocket mobile TV and interchangeable lens and hold a single-lens reflex camera in the right hand.I walk in this state for 90 minutes.I walk with this appearance for 90 minutes. Besides I attract attention because the jumper is red.


写真 2015年2月16日



写真 写真 2015年2月14日


It is Valentine's Day today. It is a Japanese custom. Originally it is in a custom to send chocolate by confession of the love. The Japanese is taken care of and gives a person it now.
I had a lot this year.


写真 2015年2月13日

I took two hours yesterday at the bar which a friend ran.This is because it meets a person with the same hobby.The person came from Tokyo.A hobby of flavor us is to look at the giant tree.It is a member same in a nationwide meeting.It was very fun while talking about giant trees.We talked about giant trees and were happy.
The photograph is narcissus of the roadside of this morning.


写真 2015年2月10日

It was very cold morning this morning.I put mini-Cairo in the gloves and walked.There are trees giving a sprout.This photograph was a camphor tree, but a sprout bloomed from a trunk.


写真 2015年2月9日

今日は寒い朝でした。今週もよろしくお願いいたします。 写真は通勤途中のPLの塔
It was very cold morning today. I would like it this week. I can look at the tower of PL like this photograph in the middle of my commuting.


写真 2015年2月7日

It is Saturday today. Many companies are closed. However, we are work days today. I took the photograph in the middle of today's commuting. A sasanqua has frost.





写真 2015年2月5日

According to today's weather forecast, it seemed to rain. So I stopped walking and went to work by car.However, neither the snow nor the rain fell.A rain cloud is full like a photograph.But I may expect it today at night.It is because I attend at the meeting to enjoy wine, and to study.


写真 2015年2月4日



写真 2015年2月3日

I go to Osaka City University today from the afternoon. It is the last day of the management of technology theory. I participate as one of the panelists. There is a social gathering with a student after a lecture.The photograph is a winter camellia.


写真 2015年2月2日

I found a plum by commuting this morning. A flower has begun to go to the open. The flower of the plum blooms in the middle of spring from winter.
